Environment Setup

After your installation, you need to restart your shell, your installation should have automatically set up the pointer to bcd in your shell startup script. If the command bcd is not working after your installation or something else has happened to change your shell scripts, running bookmark-cd and then restarting your shell should set this correctly.

At the moment, only the bash, zsh, ksh and fish shells are supported, feel free to contribute if you are reading this and you need support for a different shell.

bash or zsh

The following commmand should be set in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

# bookmark-cd init block
eval "$(bookmark-cd init)"   


The following commmand should be set in your ~/.kshrc:

# bookmark-cd init block
bookmark-cd init > ~/.bcd_ksh && . ~/.bcd_ksh


The following commmand should be set in your .config/fish/config.fish:

# bookmark-cd init block
bookmark-cd init | source

a1ecbr0wn Crates.io License bookmark-cd